Non-DoD personnel may reserve the Clubs at Quantico through MCCS for their personal events (receptions, birthday parties, meetings, etc.). The MCCS reservation contract stipulates the base access requirements and ensures that the host is aware of base access policies and registration requirements.
Weddings are hosted at the Marine Memorial Chapel and many of the guests may be unaffiliated, non-DoD.
The event sponsor is responsible to ensure event attendees comply with access requirements (failure to do so will likely result in delayed or denied access).
The primary access procedure for these events is for all unaffiliated, non-DoD attendees to go to the VCC and be processed for a pass to attend the event. Guests can obtain a visitor pass at the VCC in advance of the event (up to 14 days).
For those guests arriving when the VCC is closed, they may be escorted on base by a DoD ID card holder.
Funerals: Compliance with normal visitor center procedures or special access procedures is not always practical due to the short notification timeframe, unknown guest list, and number of visitors. Persons requesting funerals at the Marine Memorial Chapel will coordinate with the Command Chaplain’s Office at (703) 784-2518 or (703) 784-3632.